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Wisdom Teeth Removal

At Smile Up Dental Clinic, Yangon, Myanmar, Wisdom teeth removal can become impacted causing immediate pain and future oral health concerns. Reasons for removing wisdom teeth are tooth decay, gum disease(leading to pericoronitis), cysts and growth, abscess, cellulitis and other oral issues.

In many instances, antibiotics may help to alleviate the symptoms of infection. However, if the problem keep recurring, we recommend that you have the tooth removed.

Wisdom teeth removal (or impacted third molars) are wisdom teeth which do not fully erupt into the mouth because of blockage from other teeth (impaction). If the wisdom teeth do not have an open connection to the mouth, pain can develop with the onset of inflammation or infection or damage to the adjacent teeth. Common accepted hypothesis that determine eruption is the angle at which the 3rd molars sit, the stage of root formation of 3rd molars at the point of screening, depth of impaction, how much room there is for eruption as well as the size of the 3rd molar. Wisdom teeth likely become impacted because of a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the size of the jaw. Impacted wisdom teeth are classified by their direction of impaction, their depth compared to the biting surface of adjacent teeth and the amount of the tooth’s crown that extends through gum tissue or bone. Impacted wisdom teeth can also be classified by the presence or absence of symptoms and disease. Screening for the presence of wisdom teeth often begins in late adolescence when a partially developed tooth may become impacted. Screening commonly includes clinical examination as well as x-rays such as panoramic radiographs. Infection resulting from impacted wisdom teeth can be initially treated with antibiotics, local debridement or soft tissue surgery of the gum tissue overlying the tooth. Over time, most of these treatments tend to fail and patients develop recurrent symptoms.

Where there is an operculum of gingiva overlying the tooth that has become infected it can be treated with local cleaning, an antiseptic rinse of the area and antibiotics if severe. Definitive treatment can be excision of the tissue, however, recurrence of these infections is high. Pericoronitis, while a small area of tissue, should be viewed with caution, because it lies near the anatomic planes of the neck and can progress to life-threatening neck infections.

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